Re: TI-H: heh


Re: TI-H: heh

>In a message dated 11/29/98 10:16:26 PM Central Standard Time,
> writes:
>> >This is all exactly why x86 has 90% of the market, right? And also it is
>>  >Steve Jobs had to stoop so low to show that G3 was better than PII using
>>  >non-scientific bullshit tests, right?
>>  There are more cockroaches than humans, does that mean roaches are better?
>>  In your words, yes.
>>  Grant
>	Well, just to put it in another way, cockroaches will be around after a
>global thermonuclear war, and humans will not.  In addition, the fact there
>are far more roaches than humans, means they are more efficent reproducers,
>and, in addition, humans trying to kill cockroaches is a laugh.
>	Sure humans are better than roaches.  But it has absolutely no
>application to
>the discussion at hand (about computers).  Plus, I could add that "There are
>more humans than three-toed sloths, and we are better!"

How do you know?  3 toed sloths could be the chosen animal.  Soon the evil
aliens are going to come and eat all humans...  You never know.  :)
