Re: TI-H: Re: Speedy Calc...
Re: TI-H: Re: Speedy Calc...
The STB card you're propably referring to, is Velocity 4400....
I also have an AMD K6/2 300 and a Velocity 4400 and it's a killer! =)
But be warned, the velocity isn't all that compatible... I can run it
perfectly under Direct3D, Vesa, VGA etc., BUT every time I run something
using OpenGl, my system crashes... =(
I thought it had something to do eith my motherboard (ASUS P5A) because the
description of the newest BIOS said that they had fixed the problem with
Riva TNT, but updating didn't help...
I have the newest MotherBoard BIOS, newest VideoCard BIOS and the newest
drivers for EVERYTHING in my machine, but it still crashes... =(
An interesting point is, that the retail version of Quake2 works perfectly,
but after updating it to 3.19 it starts crashing...
Well, I'm tired of writing this so just be warned all these problems
appeared after updating my display card... =(
Markus Räty
-----Original Message-----
From: Jon Olson <>
To: <>
Date: 30. marraskuuta 1998 2:30
Subject: Re: TI-H: Re: Speedy Calc...
>well, i'm using and AMD K6-2 300 3DNow, and i just got done playing 11
>straight hours of HalfLife, and yesterday i played about 6 straight hours
>Unreal. I know it also works with Quake and Quake2. I do not however, have
>3d Accell..i'm buying a STB Velocity 128 AGP based on the Riva TNT
>i'll see how it does :>
>-- Jon
>-----Original Message-----
>From: <>
>To: <>
>Date: Sunday, November 29, 1998 7:15 PM
>Subject: Re: TI-H: Re: Speedy Calc...
>>In a message dated 11/28/98 1:13:18 AM Central Standard Time,
>>> personally, i go with AMD over any other manufacturer...they're better
>>> imho
>>> -- Jon
>>I would buy AMD K2 3DNow! but I have heard there are a few
>>with 3D accelerators, and 3D games.
>>Rob Hornick