Re: TI-H: haye...why not one more off-topic message?
Re: TI-H: haye...why not one more off-topic message?
>Ok, i'e decided for next year PJAS (Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science)
>project, i'm going to build a single board computer...prolly write firmware
>to emulate 80286...and if i can get the time...80386...i'm basically trying
>to make something that can boot QNX 2 (which worked phenominally well on the
>80286). If anyone has any suggestions for whos RISC chips i should use,
>please e-mail me directly. Thanks to anyone for help...
If you need help on deciding which one, I can do that too...
The PPC 403Gx chips are very cheep and very fast at the same time. They
are also integrated so you need minimal external components.
Off the top of my head I can't think of any other good ones for a low
budjet. There are strong arms, but the dev kit is somewhere arround
$1,500. PPC dev boards can be built for $150. ($80 for board, $27 for
PPC, $rest for little things)
The way you run code on the PPC is burn it to EEPROM or ROM...whichever you
I've got a fortran interpreter if you want to look at it. Its written very
tightly and shows good use of instructions and init.