TI-H: diskdrive 2 calc


TI-H: diskdrive 2 calc

I just wanted to react on the several messages that where send to the list
concerning me using a PIC for the diskdrive thingie. It's possible that the PIC
isn't fast enough for this project, but that is beside the point right now. In
fact i have a lot of testing to do before i know how to control a diskdrive and
at which speed it needs to transfer things. Furthermore the reason i named the
PIC is because i have one lying around and i have only looked at the i/o pins
that are nessecary, which appears to be possible with the PIC. But now whe're
talking about the AVR controller, i haven't used any of these yet, but i have
ordered some databooks from atmel today, so when i get these i will study these
That's all,


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