Re: TI-H: USB Link
Re: TI-H: USB Link
>>>>Compaq. (Note the absence of Gateway, they don't have good business sense.
>>>>Dell sold servers to companies at a much higher profit ratio than Gateway's
>>>>sales of higher end PCs, probably the smallest fraction of the PC market.)
>>>Just because cockroaches outnumber humans, that doesn't mean they are a
>>>superiour being. :P
>>Heh, grant, you are living a futile crusade. Just give up while your
>>head is still above water :)... I don't know ONE engineer, or
>>engineering student for that matter, that EVER talks about macs or
>>even considers getting one. Does that tell you something? Lemme
>>guess, they're all misinformed as to the the power of the
>>awe-inspiring macintrash... Who gives a rat's ass how good they are,
>>I know I don't :).
>>There, I'm done, we all know the score, time to move on :).
>Oh well... :) Protel runs faster on a 300MHz mac than on a 233MHz PC, and
>thats *emulation*.
Heh, uhh, grant, Protel is already SLOW on a 233MHz pii! Just in case
you didn't notice :).
You keep on mentioning emulation... What program do you use to
emulate all these win95/NT programs? Don't you run into a million
compatibility problems? Hell, half the time these programs don't work
on a true win95 machine. Like, how can you run all these MSDOS and
win95-box mode games, most of which require directx or even D3D, which
again still barely works on win95!?