Re: TI-H: USB Link
Re: TI-H: USB Link
>>Compaq. (Note the absence of Gateway, they don't have good business sense.
>>Dell sold servers to companies at a much higher profit ratio than Gateway's
>>sales of higher end PCs, probably the smallest fraction of the PC market.)
>Just because cockroaches outnumber humans, that doesn't mean they are a
>superiour being. :P
Heh, grant, you are living a futile crusade. Just give up while your
head is still above water :)... I don't know ONE engineer, or
engineering student for that matter, that EVER talks about macs or
even considers getting one. Does that tell you something? Lemme
guess, they're all misinformed as to the the power of the
awe-inspiring macintrash... Who gives a rat's ass how good they are,
I know I don't :).
There, I'm done, we all know the score, time to move on :).