Re: TI-H: USB Link
Re: TI-H: USB Link
>Grant Stockly wrote:
>I don't care how you do it, someone make an intel 80MHz play 4 mp3s at the
>> same time without breaking up the sound.
>> Rules:
>> -32k cashe
>> -8MB ram
>> -40MHz bus
>> -<10MBPS hard drive speed
>> -<80MHz processor
>> The PPC601 60MHz can play 2 at a time.
>> The PPC601 80MHz can play 4 at a time.
>> I ran out of memory on a PPC750 300MHz, but I had 97 of them going.
> umm.. you have 97 sound cards on one computer?
The computers from apple since 1983 could play unlimited sound chanels
without extra software. There is software for PCs that lets you play as
many sounds as you want by mixing them together.