Re: TI-H: USB Link
Re: TI-H: USB Link
>In a message dated 8/20/98 7:22:00 PM EDT, writes:
>> >Let me see, 3 monitors + 1 printer + 1 scanner + 1 keyboard +
>> >1 mouse + 120 computers running in parallel (all linked through
>> >USB) = a really power full machine to do a whole lot of math in
>> >a very short amount of time.
>> Think about the information exchange rate... 12MBPS. It would be just
>> about as fast as one PPC750 300MHz processor... ;)
>He said math. I would assume he meant extremely hard math (i.e. calculating
>the age of the universe and its rate of expansion using only the number '7'.)
>The processors working together would be MUCH faster than a 300mHz
It was a cheep joke... :)