Re: TI-H: USB Link


Re: TI-H: USB Link

Kyrotech..  and the've teamed up with AMD last I heard.  You could probably find
out about them at AMD's homepage.  (which is probably at :)  got a
P-300 running at 757 mhz or somefin like that.

Pellaeon wrote:

> i have an article in one of my many comp mags about the company that
> refrigerates cpu's  i forget the name but they do it custom so u must order a
> special tower from them along with a special MB then they mount the
> refrigerator around the cpu and use special patented techniques to stop
> frost(which is why everybody doesnt do this)
> THe refrigerator uses a seperate power supply and allows unpresidented Intel
> speeds which only Alpha chips were capable of  (intel of course bought Alpha
> to kill off the chip)  the picture of the refrigerated PII was pretty
> impressive
