Re: TI-H: USB Link
Re: TI-H: USB Link
>>>>> >> The USB ports should replace the serial ports, but not SCSI. SCSI is
>>>>> >> faster.
>>>>> >And for most people, harder to hook up. Plus - who REALLY notices the
>>>>> >difference in speed? Honestly, the speed difference between
>>>>> >IDE/EIDE/UDMA/SCSI/USB is nothing!
>>>>> IDE - 16MBPS
>>>>> EIDE/UDMA - 33MBPS
>>>>> SCSI - 40MBPS
>>>>> USB - 12MBPS
>>>><nicely>Right, and do you REALLY notice this?</nicely>
>>>You would if you're trying to copy large amounts of data, or the like.
>>I don't know about PCs, but they Macs start up faster with a 40MBPS drive
>>than with a 10MBPS.
>All this talk about interface speeds is practically irrelevant... If
>the media cannot be read faster than the interface, it doesn't matter.
>The way an IDE hard drive is manufactuered, it's not even designed to
>break UDMA limits. Most of them will burst to the cache at 50 to 100
>megabytes/sec anyways which is fine for 99% of applications. UWSCSI
>drives are made with tighter tolerances and for higher speed, so
>therefore the media can be read faster and therefore needs a faster
>interface. They're also better suited for networked environments.
>This is also why they cost more. A LOT more in some cases.
My UWSCSI drives do 70 to 144MBPS (depending where you are on the drive.