Re: TI-H: USB Link
Re: TI-H: USB Link
>In our school, each classroom has a computer that is >NOT< networked,
>addition to the Learning Media Center (library and computer lab) that
has a
>network. Each classroom 'puter has it's own printer (an HP inkjet).
>would pose a problem, no?
Yep, forgot about that, my old school used to be set up that way
too, until they networked it all.
>> Sure makes it difficult to take files home tho. Oh, I forgot, we're
>> supposed to stop using nearly-free floppies and start carring around
>> $15 zip disks for everything.
>Remember, there's always the network and e-mail. Have one G3 networked
to the
>iMacs and make this a disk computer
So everytime anyone wants to move files to a disk they have to
go use someone elses computer? It is a solution.
What about those computers you mentioned in each classroom that
aren't networked?
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