TI-H: Simple lock for TI calculator battery cover!
TI-H: Simple lock for TI calculator battery cover!
Thanx all for the 86 sound info. And thanx to Andreas Ess for
PlayWav and to Andrew Waser for porting it to 86wav.
Battery Cover Lock:
I don't know why I never thought of this before, but here it is,
just in case you guys didn't, either. On my 86, I was looking for a
place to hide things (paper with passwords written on them,
answers to tests, etc), when I noticed the space in the clip on the
battery cover. I took a piece of paper and cut it to the width of the
space and folded it to fit. It fit, alright, so tightly that I couldn't open
it! I had to use a flathead to get it out. This gave me the idea to
make a skinnier one, so that it could be easily pried out, and to
make it fit deeper and fashion it from black construction paper, so
that it would be unnoticable. Any person turning on my calculator
and seeing the ASE password prompt, MIGHT think to remove the
batteries, some knowing that it would erase the memory....they
would find the cover "stuck" and give up. Result? Memory intact!
Black Construction Paper
Glue (To glue the folded paper shut, so it doesn't fall apart)
Something sharp (small flathead) to pull it out again
If anybody likes this amazingly simple idea, let me know, I
figured that when worst comes to worst, you'd at least get a kick
out of it!
,;;' Jeff Simpson
, ,;;' fuck@psouth.net
';;' http://www.psouth.net/~fuck/me/in/the/goat/ass
.' ',