Re: TI-H: USB Link
Re: TI-H: USB Link
Michiel Trimpe ( wrote:
>USB-2 However is faster than SCSI, something like 4 times or whatever
>(don't quote me on that)
>Brian Watson wrote:
>> David Knaack ( wrote:
>> >>They realy should have incuded SCSI and at east one serial.
>> >
>> >Sounds like they are trying to push more manufactures to use
>> >USB as standard interface to all their new devices.
>> >Besides, from the literature, it sounded like the conceptial
>> >design artists were heavly involved, so of course astetics were
>> >given higher prioriety than supporting legacy devices. Everybody
>> >knows you work better if your computer looks futuristic then
>> >if it supports all your existing devices [note the sarcasam].
>> The USB ports should replace the serial ports, but not SCSI. SCSI is
>> faster.
The USB ports used on the iMac run at 12Mbps or roughly 1.5MB/sec.
Regular SCSI is 5MB/sec. Ultra wide SCSI has a maximum transfer rate of
Brian Watson (
AIM: Soy ElGato