Re: TI-H: 92 battery pack expander
Re: TI-H: 92 battery pack expander
The reason why computers dont melt at 200 amps is that the power box inside
the computer is made to handle that, it has an internal circuit breaker
mechanism which allows only the selected safe amount of amps through and nulls
out or simply lets the excess back down the circuit.. that is what the power
box does and is why it gets so hot that it needs its own fan :) the calc on
the other hand does not have any of this because it wasnt designed for
anything except the bateries included in it.
The extreme ampage would heat up the calculator that the wires inside would
fry. Another example of this is when lightning hits the phone lines and they
explode it isnt because it is carrying millions of volts but it is because
with those volts is a million or so amps, Amps is what melts and overloads the
electric in houses causing blackouts and amps are what blows fuses not
voltage :I