Re: TI-H: USB Link


Re: TI-H: USB Link

The life of CalcUSB:

*****Power Up
#1.  AVR loads firmware into AnchorUSB controller
#2.  AVR then waits for the 8051 to respond

#1.  AVR Looks for data to send from calculator
        If says something, go to 2.  If not go to 3
#2.  Receive byte from calculator, mack a 3 byte packet, and send it.
#3.  AVR Looks for data to send to calculator
        If nothing is available, go to #1.  If not go to #4.
#4.  Take apart 3 byte packet to find the one byte, send it to calc.
#5.  Goto #1

Now I have to convert that into AVR code...  :)
