Re: TI-H: Forward from A85 or E2b


Re: TI-H: Forward from A85 or E2b

I've started to do some code...

I've got Stero D/A and A/D, RS232, IRDA (Standard for IR on Wintel and mac)
coded already...  The memory chip will take a while.

As for an interface to use with modules...what would be best?  EPP?  SPP?
or some other strange way to handshake?

>Subject: A85: return of OS hardware
>Hey Kaus-
>I'm one of the probably many guys watching this list explode with
>and, if possible, would like to add my own $0.02 about this doomsday OS.
>memory access:
>1. the 8 megabit (264 bytes/block, 4096 blocks) chip from Amtel should
>definately be used
>2. the e2 should not be used. we should build our own. let's face it,
>not    exactly brain surgery. and, by building our own system, it would
>allow us to    customize it to our 0S needs.
>3. we should have a dedicated microcontroler (something in the PIC17Cxx
>series)    to (a) access the mem chip and (b) control the multiple I/O
>devices we can      build into this thing
>4. by having a micro, it would greatly simplify software on the calc's
>of    reading the mem chip, and would allow us to build a "modular link
>"modular link design"
>5. this system would allow us to have, as standard, an RS232 port and
>regular    calc port. we could leave "expansion slots" so that a user
>plug in a    custom-made IR or RF tranciever.
>6. thus, it would also make sense for someone to program a C++/VB, ect
>so    that a computer could download files from the expander and
>7. I believe it would also be a good idea to standerdize our
>protocal, so that calc's with e2 could "shake hands" with other calcs,
>computers, ect.
>D/A and A/D
>8. this part seems unessesary. for all of those who want to play music on
>their    calc, get a walkman.
>whew! So guys, tell me what you think. I'm not just standing on a soapbox
>here. I could _significantly_ contribute to all the points mentioned
>Nick Palko
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