Re: TI-H: Linkport HELP ME!
Re: TI-H: Linkport HELP ME!
No but yes. Most of the hardware guys don't like code. However, we can
tell you what to do to your "robot" and your calculator. The asembly-92
list will be more helpful to you for code. Also, try Rich's webpage the
Richfiles as he is into robots.
~Larry C
On Mon, 17 Aug 1998 19:18:55 -0400 =?iso-8859-1?Q?S=EB=F1=E8=E7=E5?=
<> writes:
>i want to build a "remote control" type car or vehicle to be
>controlled by
>my 92. i need some help with adressing the linkport and how to
>the commands on the other end (at the vehicle). am i dreaming? thanks
>advance for any help-
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