TI-H: Serial Link with the 86
TI-H: Serial Link with the 86
Having problems with the serial link?
If anyone out there has had a problem with the serial link with
the ti86 (or 85, or whatever else), this might help. I downloaded
every program I could find, including those that didn't directly
support the 86. The two programs that DID claim to support the 86
(Cal, and WTran8x) both failed. I have a 486dx2 66 machine with
an OLD serial port card (8250 Uart, instead of the 16550, or 16560,
or whatever), and the only way it would work is with the turbo off,
through COM1 using QLink85 (altered to accept *.* instead of
*.85?). If this helps anyone, or if anyone knows of a better program
(or even raw code, I can probably rig something up) to transfer to
my calc, let me know.
,;;' Jeff Simpson
, ,;;' fuck@psouth.net
';;' http://www.psouth.net/~fuck/me/in/the/goat/ass
.' ',