Re: TI-H: Remote Control Car


Re: TI-H: Remote Control Car

>You didn't get the principle. THe dozer only has two lines, one
>controlling the
>left and one controlling the right:
>       /-\     /-\
>       |-|  ^  |-|
>       |-| | | |-|
> Left  |-|-| |-|-|  Right
>       |-| \_/ |-|
>       |-|     |-|
>       \-/     \-/
>If only the left moves, the right doesn't move (duhhh) so the left
>moves "around" the right and it thus turns, requiring much less space to
>any turn. And TAZBandit was right, that was the kind of car I was talking
>about (no
>experience with other cars since they <nicely>suck</nicely>).

Oh yeah...  I was thinking about something different.  You would need an
AVR to do a standard car.  Of course I wouldn't dare to help anyone by
posting supporting AVR code...  Nope.
