Re: TI-H: Remote Control Car
Re: TI-H: Remote Control Car
One H-Bridge will run one motor.
The logic circuits you have in the diagram you sent are there so you have a
FWD/REV line and an ON/OFF line.
If you want to simplify it (you only select one line to go high, rather than
have to set one both and then activate it with another)
If you take the logic circuits off, and areleft with the transistors part,
then that's what you get.
0 0 \
>-Motor off
1 0 /
0 1 Fwd
1 1 Rev
You have to set A for the direction and then set B high for it to run.
0 0 \
>-Motor off
1 1 /
0 1 Fwd
1 0 Rev
Here, all you do is set one line high for Forward, and the other for Rev. You
only deal with one line at a time.
For this, all you do is remove the logic circuits. I build all my H-Bridges
the latter way.
Richard Piotter
The Richfiles TI Hardware and BASIC web page: