TI-H: Final Code Section
TI-H: Final Code Section
Ignore the clock cycle notes. They are wrong. With the proper shift
register routine and a properly set up 8515, these routines can all be used
to make one slow IDE ATA-2 interface.
These send and receive out of the 8515's 512bytes of memory. They are not
intended to be used like this... These are just examples of how to use the
other routines I posted... And I've not tested these on anything other
than a real old WD 80MB drive so they might not work on you 12GB drive...
;6269 clock cycles
RecSec: cli ;1
clr r28 ;1
clr r29 ;1
rcall SendCSH ;3+895
ldi ADRa, 0b11101110 ;1
ldi lowb, $20 ;1
rcall SendIDE ;3+155
widint: sbic PORTD, HDInt ;2
rjmp cont ;2
rjmp widint ;2
cont: rcall ReadIDE ;3+155
ldi count, 255 ;1
ldi ADRa, 0b11100000 ;1
rcall SendADR1 ;3+155 158
idrd: sbi PORTC, DIOR ;2*255 510
nop ;1*255 255
cbi PORTC, DIOR ;2*255 510
nop ;1*255 255
in highb, PORTA ;1*255 255
in lowb, PORTB ;1*255 255
sbi PORTC, DIOR ;2*255 510
cbi PORTC, DIOR ;2*255 510
st Y+, r26 ;2*255 510
st Y+, r27 ;2*255 510
dec count ;1*255 255
brne idrd ;2*255-1 509
ret ;4
;6269 clock cycles
SenSec: cli ;1
clr r28 ;1
clr r29 ;1
rcall SendCSH ;895+3
ldi ADRa, 0b11101110 ;1
ldi lowb, $30 ;1
rcall SendIDE ;173+3
ridint: sbic PORTC, HDInt ;2
rjmp conta ;2
rjmp ridint ;2
conta: rcall ReadIDE ;173+3
ldi count, 255 ;1
ldi ADRa, 0b11100000 ;1
rcall SendADR1 ;3+155 158
idwd: ld highb, Y+ ;1*255 255
ld lowb, Y+ ;1*255 255
sbi PORTC, DIOW ;2*255 510
nop ;1*255 255
cbi PORTC, DIOW ;2*255 510
nop ;1*255 255
out PORTA, highb ;1*255 255
out PORTB, lowb ;1*255 255
sbi PORTC, DIOW ;2*255 510
cbi PORTC, DIOW ;2*255 510
dec count ;1*255 255
brne idwd ;2*255-1 509