Re: TI-H: Zunix?


Re: TI-H: Zunix?

DOS has been done for the 85?  Could someone possibly point me to a URL 
where I can get the info?

As for that loadlin thing, I think I'm on the same page with you.  
That's exactly what I was thinking of.

z80 vs 68000(?): As I said, I know practically nothing.  If it can be 
done for a 92 or 92+, then cool.

Why axe multi-user?  I suppose it's kinda a "stupid calculator trick" 
but maybe someone has a use for it.  What about a classroom network, 
where everyone gets some special software for their TI-8<2,3,5,6,9> or 
92, and the teacher has some network cables that she just kinda lays out 
between rows of desks.  Then she plugs this little calcnet into her 
TI-92.  She can push data (simple images, text, pointers to programs, 
etc) over to the classnet, they can call up old push-data, possible 
whiteboard facilites (imagine an entire class being able to work on the 
same chalkboard, with the teacher as moderator), and file transfers 

All the above, with only some software (which would perhaps take 1/2 an 
85's RAM?) installed on the client's machine, so the kiddies could still 
have their games and such.  The teacher's machine, on the other hand, 
would run this 68000-un*x to host clients, moderate the whiteboard, and 
feed data down off of the expander.

I imagine it would take some serious talking to convince a middle or 
high school principal of the validity of this method of teaching...

Plz don't flame me cause I'm a hardware-moron.  =)

--Matt Cooper /

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