Re: TI-H: TI Mods/Calcs
Re: TI-H: TI Mods/Calcs
>1.Does anyone have the list of TI modifications??? If so, please post
You just missed it, it was posted about two days ago. We should put
it on a web site, like
>3.Also, in anyone's opinon, what would be the best modifications to
>get? I am planning on getting EL-backlights for one or two of my
I sell EL's, thats one of the coolest mods I've seen so far :)
Spin ports or the equivalent are cool, nice for attacihing stuff without
having to use a link port cable, or abuse your link port with a
non-standard jack.
>4.Who here does modifications???
I have been, check my web page for pricing.
David Knaack <>
Electroluminescent Backlighting:
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