TI-H: Re: !!!Magnet Wire!!!
TI-H: Re: !!!Magnet Wire!!!
About the dead 86, I believe that it was damage while removing the EL. IT wa
glued to the side case, but some glue possibly got down, and pulled a trace
up, cause it quit when it was removed. it showed garbage when turboed while
the EL Was on, but it worked fine when it was off. I believe the EMI caused
the interference, but the calc died due to removal. why I'm not certain, but
I'm lucky enough to have a new 86 with a warantee, and the circuit boards
might accidentaly get switched to the new case, and get replaced. (:
Also, I'd like to mention, that I had trouble with EMF on calcs with long
wires on the EL side. If they were replaced with short wire, and the inverter
placed directly under the LCD, it worked fine! I have done 2 upgrades, and one
repair like this, and all the calcs, including the one with problems, have
returned to normal.
The big test comes soon. The worst calc I ever did, the one with the rolling
bars on the LCD and garbage when turboes is comming back. I'll make the
modifications and post the results.
Richard Piotter
The Richfiles TI Hardware and BASIC web page: