> I've decided to do what mel was going to do orrigionally. Out of the
> hundreds of people that e-mailed me, bakckups were important...
> Orrigionally, there will only be support for 85 backups...
> I think that I've finally have a good pdf file <g> I will start the
> communication routines. Other than that, I can use the existing code
> from my serial port driver. Then you can have a modem attached to
> your calculator and use EII memory! :)
> I think you may be able to get an EII by sunday...
> I'm starting a new campaign. If I receive 40 different e-mails from
> 40 different people then I'll start on it tomorow instead of friday.
> not jokeing... :|
COOL!!! GREAT!!! How long till TI-86 and 83 backups. 82 would be nice, but
it's not that big of a priority to me. Others maybe! (:
What about the TI-92??? I suppose you'd need an AVR just for it it's probably
such a large task???
What about standard file transfer??? will one AVR be capable of sending and
recieving 83, 85 , 86, and 92 files, or will it only do a certain calc (ESF
mode ti-85, EuP mode TI-92)??? I'd like one chip to be able to handle all the
calcs. Also what files will it recognize. I'd want Prog, String, Pic, Matrix,
and List for sure. The individual variables would be nice, but that's a LOT of
files. Will the EII support directories like the ESF did??? It had predefined
directories (you couldn't change them or add new ones or delete them), but
that's better than nothing! I'd love it infact!!!
85, 86 and the 83 are my priorities (86 comes before all, but 85 is easier for you.)
Will we be able to update the Firmware to support other calcs??? How dificult
will it be? Is it something we'd need to buy a new chip to do, or will you do
trade ins, or can it be updated, and if so, will you require it be sent back?
or can people with a programmer do it themselves???
Sorry for the questions, but I feel they need to be asked
Richard Piotter
The Richfiles TI Hardware and BASIC web page: