Re: TI-H: TI-85 disk drive


Re: TI-H: TI-85 disk drive

I know this isn't going to move you, but you've just said what the other 2
people did...  When it comes down to the details, its real tough...  Its
like using an audio CD player on your computer, or using your VCR to backup
your hard drive (you can use a VCR fairly well though...)

Something you probably havn't thought of is the fact you will need to cut
your bandwidth in half to create a clock...  The speed oc the calc changes
based upon the state of the batteries, so when the calc is low on
batteries, it will get off sync...  Unless you use my TI serial driver
method...  You can do straight serial (2400bps) if you get a $5 part and
put it inside...  :)  <hint, hint>

>I went into working on a TI-85 (possibly 92) tape drive knowing that it
>would be a bit silly but I have a few reasons:
>        a)  Everyone has tapes and a tape deck
>        b)  I happened to have tapes and a deck laying around
>        c)  I'm too lazy to order and research different eeproms and such
>        d)  I thought at the time it would be easy (as I've been working
>                                        on it, it has'nt beenn easy but
>                                        not to terribly hard)
>        e)  I've become tired of searching for verndors of SIMPLE to use
>            and interface memory chip technologys.
>Whell thats a rather long winded little rant on why I'm doing this.
>Basicaly since TI asm files are'nt too terribly big speed will not be as
>important (even though I admit it will be pretty slow).  As of know I'm
>still wrestling with the VAT, trying to overcome adverse tape
>conditions, and working on the best bits per second / accurace ratio (as
>of now anyting I can get).  My finaly reson is that I can make this out of
>stuff I already have so I incur no expense.  Whell thanks for all you
>intrest in my little project.  I will probably post the details on my web
>page in a little under a week (i hope).
>Jim (
>Version 3.1
>GCS/IT/GE d--- s+:+ a? C++++>$ UL++ P+ L++ E+ W+>W++ N+ o-- K w-- O-
>M-- V-- PS PE Y+ PGP- t- 5 X+ R- tv+ b++ DI+ D+++ G e- h* r- y-
>-----END GEEK CODE BLOCK-------