TI-H: TI-85 disk drive
TI-H: TI-85 disk drive
> I'm working on a tape drive for my ti-85. I've got most of the big
>problems solved but it would be very helpfull if anyone had or knew of a
>highly deatailed source of information on the TI-85 and possibly 92 link
>port use, in assembly (what else). Basicaly I switches the link port on
>and off very fast to produce a "beep" at determined pace. Then it when
>reading it detects the beeps as the line going +5 volts (note: This take
>some simple hardware between the calc and the tape drive. Also is anyone
>knows how to CREATE files using assmebly (asm string files in particular)
>PLEASE send me you method I'm desparte to know how. Whell thank alot for
>you time.
> Jim (jofc@pacifier.com)
my opinion: Waste of Time! if you do get it working, won't it be incredibly slow??
two better ideas:
EEPROM or something that would work just as good, internaly or in a small plug-in cartrige. I think Mike Jan was working on some internal thing like that.
try and get as much info as you can on disk drives from TOSHIBA or IBM and get one of thos 3 1/4 disk drives from a laptop that are half as thick as desktop ones and build yourself a little plug-in setup. I found out that old "TANDY model 3"s are Z80 based and have two 5 1/4 disk drives that have driver boards on them. that probly won't help any, but it's interesting to know. anyway, TOSHIBA can probly help.
-captain worthless (Joe Wozniak)
"the guy trying to steal my tires got ran over by the guy trying to steal my car"
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