Re: TI-H: TI-85 tape drive
Re: TI-H: TI-85 tape drive
Look at the archives... This has been tried about 5 times, all of which
people finally found it not worth it... :( Sorry, but flash memory seems
better than carrying arround a walkman... :(
My www page is months old... I've got an updated one, and I will try to
put it on asap...
> I'm working on a tape drive for my ti-85. I've got most of the big
>problems solved but it would be very helpfull if anyone had or knew of a
>highly deatailed source of information on the TI-85 and possibly 92 link
>port use, in assembly (what else). Basicaly I switches the link port on
>and off very fast to produce a "beep" at determined pace. Then it when
>reading it detects the beeps as the line going +5 volts (note: This take
>some simple hardware between the calc and the tape drive. Also is anyone
>knows how to CREATE files using assmebly (asm string files in particular)
>PLEASE send me you method I'm desparte to know how. Whell thank alot for
>you time.
> Jim (
>Oh by the way, Grant i tried to find your page in alta vista and you name
>appreared 200 times (cool huh) whell if you could , would you send me you
>web adress, thanks
>Version 3.1
>GCS/IT/GE d--- s+:+ a? C++++>$ UL++ P+ L++ E+ W+>W++ N+ o-- K w-- O-
>M-- V-- PS PE Y+ PGP- t- 5 X+ R- tv+ b++ DI+ D+++ G e- h* r- y-
>-----END GEEK CODE BLOCK-------