Re: TI-H: TI-85 tape drive
Re: TI-H: TI-85 tape drive
On Wed, 29 Apr 1998, Jim Cox wrote:
> highly deatailed source of information on the TI-85 and possibly 92 link
> port use, in assembly (what else). Basicaly I switches the link port on
> and off very fast to produce a "beep" at determined pace. Then it when
> reading it detects the beeps as the line going +5 volts (note: This take
Refer to the message posted last night regarding my questions on linking..
the port_7.txt and other stuff on TICalc tells about it. Although it
doesn't make a large amount of sense the first few times over..
> some simple hardware between the calc and the tape drive. Also is anyone
> knows how to CREATE files using assmebly (asm string files in particular)
> PLEASE send me you method I'm desparte to know how. Whell thank alot for
> you time.
You type the asm file in an editor (vi, pico, emacs, notepad, edit, etc)
and save it as plain text. Then you feed it to a compiler (TASM, Table
Assembler, should be available as shareware on TICalc somewhere and does
the Z80 in the TI-85 nicely) and you get an object file. Then you remove
the .obj extension and run it through the string85 program included in the
ZShell 4.0 zipfile, and you walk away with a nice .85s file. Transfer that
to the calc, and see if it crashes. :)
> Oh by the way, Grant i tried to find your page in alta vista and you name
> appreared 200 times (cool huh) whell if you could , would you send me you
> web adress, thanks
I'm going to teach everybody a Unix trick. Lots of internet servers are
unix-based (or clones) and usually follow the same naming pattern. If a
person has an email account on a server, they probably also have a web
account on that server. Like mine: Unix servers like
to put a /~ before the username to indicate their home directory for web
stuff. So my home web directory is It works the
same way with Grant's page: so it is a reasonable guess
that his page is probably at If you go look
there, you'll find it.
Greg Hill