TI-H: AVRs, 10000 Hits!, and my PowerBokk is 102°F
TI-H: AVRs, 10000 Hits!, and my PowerBokk is 102°F
> My laptop regularly runs above 120F, and the PCMCIA
> cards can get up to 170F... anybody want a fried egg?
> Seeing as how most laptops have no internal fans, and
> the p1XX chips can disipate up to 5W in heat, things
> get hot really fast.
> They really should change the name from "laptop" to
> "small tabletop" or something, since if you put the
> thing on your lap you're going to have some sterility
> issues later in life. :-)
My Powerbook 1400 says it's 102 F and the Battery is 87 F! (:
It's been on ALL day! of course, it's only 117 MHz.
My modem does get pretty hot though!
Oh, and is there a BASIC compiler for the AVR??? I'm to lazy, err, imean busy
to learn ASM for any thing, calc or AVR! (:
Oh yeah! GREAT NEWS, I'm filled with happyness and joy! OK enough of that...
My counter finaly reached 10000!!! I'm probably going to start building the
light flasher soon. I like the idea of the 9-pin port for the outputs, so if
the person who mentioned it has a standard he created, I'd like to follow it
for compatibility!
I'm getting out the part's list and ordering enough for 1-3 when I reorder the
SPinTerface voltage regulators and BEAM robot parts tommorow!
Richard Piotter
The Richfiles TI Hardware and BASIC web page: