Re: TI-H: IR Link


Re: TI-H: IR Link

Transistor...that way when it gets light, it goes high
get grant to confirm it though...i don't trust myself :>

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Cicconetti <>
To: <>
Date: Monday, April 27, 1998 5:28 PM
Subject: Re: TI-H: IR Link

>Okay.. found page in digikey w/ 880 nm and 950-960 nm.  That's about the
>largest frequency spread they have (near infrared; far infrared stuff is
>harder to find)Transistor type or photoresistor sensor?
>>Ohh...  I keep forgetting to do that...  the ti-hardware window popps up
>>right after my electronics group, so I forget that its actually hard to
>>whip up something like this...  ;)
>>First find 2 leds that operate at different freqs..  Then find to
>>that operate at different freqs..  Good.  Now get 2 of each of those...
>>I'll make schematics as soon as my IBM decides to work...
>>Btw, if everyone says apple is at the bottom, and PC at the top...if your
>>at the top, you have no where to go but down...  :P
>>>Grant, did you ever finish that Discrete IR link, and if so, could you
>>>please release the schematics? Thanks
>>>- Jon Olson
>>>"Nobody will ever need more than 640k RAM!" -- Bill Gates, 1981
>>>"Windows 95 needs at least 8 MB RAM." -- Bill Gates, 1996
>>>"Nobody will ever need Windows 95." -- logical conclusion