Re: TI-H: Re: I love Grant Stockly.


Re: TI-H: Re: I love Grant Stockly.

>Grant, you seem to be an electronic genius! Arent companies fighting over

Its illegal for me to work since I'm under age...

>Where do you get the time and money!? I just don't know what to think. I
>just love you..

I don't get the time, and CERTAINLY not the money...  :)

>You've made:
>- A 2-mile radio link that works perfectly at 38400.
>- A Printer that works with TI's

The printer is just a hack of my serial driver with definitons on how to do
bold, italic, and other typeface things...  The parallel half of the
printer thing was easy too...  The project only took 3 hours (to make it

>- A working Expander-II, and 92 drivers.

Bryan could finish it if he got off IRC...  ;)

>- A portable MP3 player, (and you have a deal with Sony!!)

Its sonys car audio company...  The only reason they want it is because its
already set up to use a 4.3 o4 6GB hard drive...and works.

>- Other things, on your page

Too bad all of those projects are on my Versa V/50 laptop...  I'll see if I
can't get them.  It broke and hardly works.  Floppy drive is dead
(something rattels inside), Hard drive has bad sectors like sand on a
beach, and I'm not sure whats up with its serial port...  :)  I'll look
into getting the EII and printer and the other
projects/schematics/instructions off of it some time.  Everything I've made
is in there!!

And I realy mean "in" there because the only way to get it out is to use a
serial cable...

>I couldn't seem to find any schematics on your page, do I just not know
>where to look?

They are "in" my laptop...  I'll see if I can find time to "open" it...  :)
