Re: TI-H: No editing
Re: TI-H: No editing
On Sat, 25 Apr 1998, Andrew Boudreau wrote:
> I have seen all these programs i want to know HOW IT WORKS !!
> if anyone has helpfull information please post it ... Thanks
It's mentioned in one of the text documents on TICalc. I think it was the
file formats set, but I don't remember for certain.
Anyway, a program is edit-locked by changing a certain byte near the end
of the variable. When a variable is created, this byte is set one way. If
it is changed to something else, it causes the calc to produce a 15 MEMORY
error when somebody tries to edit it. This can be undone by switching back
to the original value of that byte.
Now if I could just remember what document on TICalc it was that told
about how to do this..
Greg Hill