Re: TI-H: Automatic Power Down


Re: TI-H: Automatic Power Down

The Automatic Power Down (APD) works by a timer which decrements itself
something like 200 times/second (or is it 18?). But anyway, every time you
press a key the counter gets reset. If the counter gets to 0, the calc
shuts down.

Perhaps somebody could write a TSR for ZShell or some other shell which
would activate as necessary to reset the counter and thus keep the calc
turned on.

Maybe it could even monitor the link port, for a remote shutdown feature..

On Wed, 22 Apr 1998, Dan Schuette wrote:

> I work for a Physics Prof. who is having a lot of problems with the
> Automatic Power Down feature of the TI-85s. He has the TIs networked so he
> can get feedback from his students during lectures, but they have a bad
> habit of shutting themselves down during interum between use. This has
> led to a number of crashes in the network.
> I would greatly appreciate any methods, thoghts, ideas, or guesses about
> how to shut off the Automatic Power Down. Also any information
> about how that part of the calculator fuctions would be appreciated.
> Thanks! 
> Dan Schuette

Greg Hill
