Re: TI-H: expansion
Re: TI-H: expansion
Ok, you want the pinout of the ISA slot? Are you trying to build another
printer port? Or are you using the printer port to do something else?
email me at and I can help you. Tell me what you are trying
to do on your project, and I can tell you everything you need to know.
>actually, this is half of what i need. this tells me what each pin does,
>but i also need the corresponding thing-a-ma-jiggers. when you buy another
>LPT port, you have to plug it into an expansion slot, right? well, the
>part you plug in has little copper strips on both sides of it. i also need
>which pin corresponds with which of those copper strips. hope you can
>At 03:28 PM 4/16/98 , you wrote:
>--- ---
>--- ---Most of those are address (if youre talking about ISA) slots.
>There are 8
>--- ---I/O lines, something like 20 address lines, and special ones,
>like the
>--- ---STROBE and such. The parallel port plugs into the 8 I/O lines,
>the STROBE,
>--- ---a couple more. Ok, here is the list of pins corresponding to
>the port:
>--- ---
>--- ---1 - STROBE
>--- ---2 - DATA BIT 0
>--- ---3 - DATA BIT 1
>--- ---4 - DATA BIT 2
>--- ---5 - DATA BIT 3
>--- ---6 - DATA BIT 4
>--- ---7 - DATA BIT 5
>--- ---8 - DATA BIT 6
>--- ---9 - DATA BIT 7
>--- ---10 - ACKNOWLEDGE
>--- ---11 - BUSY
>--- ---12 - PE (OUT OF PAPER)
>--- ---13 - PRINTER ON LINE
>--- ---15 - PRINTER ERROR
>--- ---18-25 UNUSED OR GROUND
>--- ---
>--- ---Ok, this came directly from "Robot Builder's Bonanza: 99
>--- ---robotics projects". Don't get me wrong, someone else was
>talking about it.
>--- ---It's a great book, this is where the speech synthesizer came
>from (if I can
>--- ---ever find the chip). The address is 888-D or 3BC-H. Hope this
>comes in
>--- ---handy.
>--- ---
>--- --->alright, i'm looking for someone who knows about computer
>hardware. i'm
>--- --->looking for the schematic for a printer board. one you can
>buy for about
>--- --->$20 and plug it into an expansion slot in order to get an
>extra LPT port.
>--- --->ok, so if anyone has one could you please mail it to me or
>post it on this
>--- --->list. probably mailing it to me would be better. i know how
>some of you
>--- --->are mad about taking up bandwidth and stuff! =)
>--- --->
>--- --->if no one has a schematic . . .
>--- --->
>--- --->the part you plug the board into the expansion slot has 31 (i
>think) slots.
>--- ---> well, on the printer board, there is 29 or so back and front.
> really what
>--- --->i need the schematic for is so i can tell which of those 29
>--- --->corresponds with the 25 pins of the board. the part that you
>plug your
>--- --->printer into. do you understand this?
>--- --->
>--- --->well, hope you can help.
>--- --->
>--- --->KiMo
>--- --->________________________________________________
>--- --->
>--- --->--->ICQ #: 7176765
>--- --->--->
>--- --->---> (TI-85/86 Webpage)
>--- --->
>--- --->Send a short email to my screen right when I log online using:
>--- --->--->
>--- --->(Do you understand what this is for? Tell me!)
>--- --->
>--- --->ADVICE: Don't use Microsoft's Internet Explorer!!!
>--- --->
>--- ---
>--->ICQ #: 7176765
>---> (TI-85/86 Webpage)
>Send a short email to my screen right when I log online using:
>(Do you understand what this is for? Tell me!)
>ADVICE: Don't use Microsoft's Internet Explorer!!!