Re: TI-H: *Great News*
Re: TI-H: *Great News*
From: Richard Piotter <>
>Except that thicker is easy.
This is very similar to what I was thinking, I have
been trying to come up with a way to do this by hand,
without requiring a mold or something, but I haven't
come up with anything.
>make a simple ring like this:
<snip, nice ASCII BTW>
>This makes the mold MUCH less complex. The yop side is a mold of the
>half of the original case and the bottom of the mold is a copy of the
top half
>of the calc. This also iliminates the need to include a battery case
into the
You would have to move or otherwise extend the two contacts that are
on the board, and the backup battery contacts, but no big deal. Might
be nice actually, if the back was connected to the battery case with
wires, you could take it apart without loosing your memory.
>It should have enough room for a 1 inch diameter Black Piezo electric
>speaker from Rat Shaq.
I don't know how thick those are, but you might consider cutting a
hole in the back of the case for it to stick thru. that would reduce
the required thickness, and make it easier to hear.
>as well as a volume control.
Easily mounted on the side.
>My recomendations, SPinTerface, Link, Speaker, earphones, volume
>several switches mounts, and a DBA (Direct bus access: 34 pin female
>containing Data, address, and control lines). Any other ideas??? I
prefer the
>wide case, but since this one is so simple, it is most likely the
best choice.
>I think it NEEDs to be 1/2 inch thick to matter. I can work on a
layout for
>parts and mountings.
Probably would be easier to mount stuff if it was closer to 3/4 or so.
I would prefer to have just a nonspecialized ring extension. Then I
can put switches and ports wherever I need, without worrying about
what has been pre-placed.
The DBA connector would be neat placed on the back, so you could
attach another custom case piggyback on it, with custom electronics
to do whatever you needed. it would be awkward hanging off the side.
On the other hand, a simple flat ribbon cable could plug into the