Re: TI-H: Mac/PC Wars


Re: TI-H: Mac/PC Wars

Macintosh Classics are awesome...I

Clint Law wrote:
> I personally can't even see the reason why people are so busy comparing
> processors.  Sure, the motor in some huge 18 wheeler may be way more
> powerful, but a Ferarri will beat it any day.   Regardless of how powerful
> the PowerPC processors become they still have to push around the MacOS,
> which unless you use solely for desktop publishing or a select few other
> strictly business apps. slows down performance so that even a modest PC can
> beat it.
> If you are going to compare platform hardware anyway why not compare the
> PowerPC with a Digital Alpha?  At least they share the same basic idea.  Any
> Windows NT machine with a Alpha will blast by a similarly priced Mac doing
> virtually anything (I say virtually only because there may be somthing I'm
> forgetting, If there is I'm sure 64 bit NT that's in beta testing will
> slaughter the Mac doing ANYTHING).
> It's stupid for people to sit here and Judge Macs and PC just by thier
> hardware, the OS is way more important.  Show me a well informed person who
> can justify buying a mac over an Intel or Digital based Windows Machine
> (Windows 95/98, or NT).  At least PC users can easily get other OS's if they
> choose, and boot among them easily.
> I'm not saying that the Mac is a bad machine at all.  I use them every day.
> All I'm saying is for every reason to buy a Mac there are (at least) 5
> reasons to buy a PC.
>   I'm not going to polute this E-Mail list with any more off topic messages
> like this, I would encourage you not to either.  If you want to reply,
> please send e-mail to .
> BTW, if your wandering what kind of machines I use on a daily basis here
> they are:
>  Intel P-100 based Windows NT 4/Windows 95 Dual booted (I'm using this now)
> Sun SPARCstation IPX with Solaris 2.5.6
> Several different Macs, including: Apple  PowerPC 5400/120 (Some with System
> 7.5.6, some with OS 8), Power Computing PowerCenter Pro (604e, 180Mhz, OS
> 8.1), Mac Classic (2MB Ram, 25MHz 6800, Sytem 6), and many others that fall
> inbetween these.
