TI-H: Jason Dyer is a big, lying, @!!&@$#


TI-H: Jason Dyer is a big, lying, @!!&@$#

Does anyone here know Jason Dyer?  He is a horrible person to try and do
business with.  We were supposed to trade calc, my ELed 86 for his year-old,
scratched up 92.  I sent mine to him over a month and a half ago, by
overnight (17.50!!!!!!!) because it was really cold here.  He e-mailed me
the next day, saying he was glad he hadn't sent his yet (we agreed to ship
at the same time), because mine didn't work.  I told him to try adjusting
the contrast, but to no avail.  He then asked ME to send HIM money to ship
the calc back here, and he refused to send both at once.  So I sent him $7
because the weather was good.  Over a month later, I e-mailed him 'cause I
hadn't gotten it yet, and he told me that he lost my address.  I gave it to
him, and got my calc 2 weeks later (today).  I opened it and turned it on,
and the cursor blinked!  (He left batteries in it).  I was about to e-mail
him about that, when I turned the package over.  A small note fell out.  It
basically said that he lied, the calc worked, and his parents wouldn't let
him trade.  The shipping was only $3, but there was no money in it.  I sent
him a very "friendly" e-mail anout the whole thing.  My bet is he was using
it in school the whole time.  In the mean time, I was unable to work on
anything 'cause I have no other calcs!!!  BTW, does anyone have old calcs
that still work, 92s, 85s, 83s, etc.  Or at least know where to get them?
   -Robert Brack

"Where do you want to go today?" - Bill Gates
"When do you want to crash today?" - Reality
