TI-H: Windows Bata Testing


TI-H: Windows Bata Testing

Hello Bruce,

I am interested in bata testing windows 98 (and or) NT 5.0 or for that
matter any microsoft product!

Joshua Sivec
712 Glendale
Lansing MI 48910

On Wed, 1 Apr 1998, Bruce Christensen wrote:

> On Tuesday, March 31, 1998 6:16 AM, Robert Brack [SMTP:reb@netride.com] wrote:
> > HOW!!!!!!! [to sign up for the Win98 beta]
> Everyone who would like to become a Windows beta tester submit the following 
> info to me in an e-mail with the subject "Windows Beta Testing":
> Name
> E-mail
> Postal Address
> Phone Number
> I'll forward the info to MS and you'll **probably** be contacted about beta 
> testing.  However, I can't guarantee anything.
> Sincerely,
> Bruce
> --
> Bruce Christensen - mailto:bruce@iname.com
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