TI-H: Re: Info needed
TI-H: Re: Info needed
>Hello Today I successfully accelerated my friends TI-85. Now with that
>me I'd like to know if you could send me the info to accelerate my 82.
I wanted badly to update my page this weekend. TI-82 acceleration may
make it into this weekend's update, as well as the revised speaker cart
and the temp cart and the TI-BASIC tutorial.
If you want it immediately, or it the update doesn't make it this week,
then you can go to www.ticalc.org, click calculators, TI-82, scoll down
and there should be a reference on accelerating the TI-82 by BORIS LUTZ.
I was able to install a swich using a different method. I used the
inductance from long wires to increas the capacitance enough to whereit
wouldn't crash. I adden no capacitors, and you make it like the TI-85
turbo switch, but with no 1pf capacitor anywhere. The only catch is the
lenths and inductance of the wires. I want to measure them and post my
findings on my page as soon as I figure out HOW I did it (;
The normal acceleration calls for replacing the capacitor C11 or C27 (I
think) with a 15 or greater pf capacitor. I do know that it is small
surface mount like in the 85, but it is BELOW the processor chip and to
the right of the big black capacitor.
Good Luck. Don't start till you check out boris's page. If you want a
switch, I'll see if I can figure it out for you.
Richard Piotter
e-mail: richfiles@hotmail.com
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