Re: TI-H: Mouse/Trackpad Drivers
Re: TI-H: Mouse/Trackpad Drivers
Joseph Gaffney wrote:
> At 10:34 PM 9/2/97 -0800, Jan Zumwalt wrote:
> >This is a cool idea but I don't think it is practical. The mouse
> >receives it's power through on of the lines and the TI is lacking
> >the ability to do this.
> >
> A) Not necessarily, you can do different setups (including the design i am
> considering) for an additional power source to the pins.
> B) It'll be real handy for me for calss, etc; besides, I have a free $50
> memorex touchpad to play with =P
Sorry to bring you down, but it won't work without some quite
complicated and expensive external electronics. The TI has no serial
port and the link port can't be used as one. You need an UART or a
microcontroller in between. This is mainly due to the fact that the TI
lacks an accurate (crystal) clock. (Except the 92 maybe...)
*** Osma Suominen *** ***