TI-H: TI85-irlink
TI-H: TI85-irlink
>Well, there have been at least two announcements of new IR link designs,
>but I don't think they're worth much..
Don't underestimate our stuff before testing it. I can say to to you my
friend that if you want a I2C protocoll
just write to me and tell me how you want it and I made it (I now how it
work!). This product that I have made is using the TI85-protocol. And do you
really want the expander SF protocol? Let me remind you: Any protocol that
waits for the other part and isn't sending duplex can be done with the ir.
About the distance I have tested up to 15 min daylight ( No problems! ).
That is with a 100 mA ir-led. I have seen a siemens 300 mA ir-led and that
one I guess reach with out problems 30m. You sofware nerds are so limited. I
have looked at components that can reach a the speed of 12000 bits/s wich is
a TI85-transmit with new batteries. This speedlimit you talk about is only
depending on the component SFH-506 x khz. With a special transistor I can do
any frequency I like. In future I not going to use a ir-modul. But with
SFH-506-30 I can soon reach at least 1000 bit/s. And don't underestimate the
power of a PICxxxxx. It can do almost anything. About the size of it all I
can say: With a 3V small model of Pic you can make it really small with two
1,5 V small batteries as supply!
I have a friend that is developing a pure hardware irlink without a
microprocessor. Magnus Svedin is his name. He has helped me a lot. His
hompageadress: http://www.ts.umu.se/~el97msn.
Per-Erik Andersson
homepage: http://www.dalnet.se/~pea
P.S With you I mean you all! And I sleep 10 h every night else I can't work
so good with my stuff : )!