RE: TI-H: We need a FAQ!


RE: TI-H: We need a FAQ!

Still off topic, Hotmail doesn't support tabs because it's a crappy webmail system.  Beleive, I have one of those accounts, and it sucks.

From: 	Osma Suominen[]
Sent: 	Wednesday, October 15, 1997 4:56 PM
Subject: 	RE: TI-H: We need a FAQ!

(Sorry, off topic etc..)

Josh Collins wrote:
> That, my friend, is why Windows SUCKS!! I use windows, but I wish I could 
> get one of the better operating systems running correctly on my Packard 
> Bell System (crappard bell)

That is only one of the minor reasons. Besides, you can change the font to
Courier and the problem goes away.

Get Linux and a life. =)

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