RE: TI-H: The TI-84, TI-95 also!
RE: TI-H: The TI-84, TI-95 also!
95? I want a 95 now! I don't CARE if there's nothing for it, I'll MAKE it
damnit? Are you sure about the z80 processor? are you sure it's not 68k?
"If I could be one thing in the world, I would be a tear born in your eye,
living on your cheek, and dying on your lips" - Josh Collins
-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Piotter []
Sent: Monday, October 13, 1997 9:39 AM
Subject: TI-H: The TI-84, TI-95 also!
>I heard about the TI-84 a little while back. I came out after the 82,
but was taken off the market because it was highly unreliable. Does
anyone know about this, as I this has really piqued my curiosity.
I had heard about a calculator called the TI-95. It supposedly had 32K
(maybe it was 64K) and I think it had a QWERTY keyboard. It was probably
Z80, but I may be wrong. I did hear it had a built in cartridge
connector. It supported both ROM and RAM carts and I think that is cool.
If anyone has info on this or this TI-84, post it please. I wish I
remember where I read that.
Richard Piotter
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