RE: TI-H: Ti-92 power storage
RE: TI-H: Ti-92 power storage
the reason it's a LAST resort is that it totally resets your memory! NOTHING IS THERE!! That is not good for a calc with programs...
"If I could be one thing in the world, I would be a tear born in your eye, living on your cheek, and dying on your lips" - Josh Collins
-----Original Message-----
From: John Fraser []
Sent: Monday, October 13, 1997 7:35 AM
Subject: Re: TI-H: Ti-92 power storage
according to someone at TI they say only use it as a last resort as this is
not good for the components inside. Though this may be a dirty lie. I
rather not find out my self.
> From: "Matthew H. Fogle" <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: TI-H: Ti-92 power storage
> Date: Sun, 12 Oct 1997 09:28:30 +0000
> John Fraser wrote:
> > Wait!!!! Stop all you have to do is soft reset. Hold down the 2nd
> > Lock On
> > keys and that should take care of it. If not you can hard reset but
> > that
> > does take its toll on your calc in the future. Try soft reseting
> > first.
> > I had teh same problem with Doom too. You need tone of memory for it
> > to
> > work wiht out teh error.
> What "toll" will it take in the future. Yes I found out about this reset
> a little to late. I read it last night.
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