Re: TI-H: Broken TI-85!! Any techs???


Re: TI-H: Broken TI-85!! Any techs???

Richard Piotter can probably help you fix it. He's knows of various
reasons for them to just stop working and he will most likely help you
out. Email him about it. I personally would say open the thing and look
for something broken off the board; lose trace maybe. Look for a chip
that has gotten white stuff on it's connectors. Other than that Richard
should be able to help out.

ShYGuY wrote:

>         Hey I don't know what happened to my TI-85. One day it was
> working
> perfectly until the next day. The only thing I know that might have
> affected the calc was maybe some drops of water, or a light drop to a
> carpeted floor (about 1 meter). Then the next day it stop working. No
> dark
> screens or anything. Just pure blank. I tried all the soft resetting
> methods such as taking out all the batteries (including the lithium)
> and
> pressing the ON button and others for many times. Still it didn't
> work. So
> maybe I simple ran out of current in the batteries. I replaced all of
> the
> batteries, including the lithium. Still didn't work. So what else
> should I
> do. Last resort, call TI. They told to do the resetting methods again
> (which I already did). Still no hope. All they told me was to send in
> the
> broken TI and $70 and they'll send me a refurbished TI-85. But
> instead, I
> bought a TI-86.
>         I hope anyone has some tips to help me solve this problem. If
> all
> other tips have failed, I guess I will probably either get a
> refurbished
> 85 and tinker with thing. Help me !!!!!
