RE: TI-H: Ti Modem
RE: TI-H: Ti Modem
hell yeah! but the modem is the problem, if someone made a modem for the ti-8x or 92, I would buy it!
"If I could be one thing in the world, I would be a tear born in your eye, living on your cheek, and dying on your lips" - Josh Collins
-----Original Message-----
From: Osma Suominen []
Sent: Sunday, October 12, 1997 5:00 PM
Subject: RE: TI-H: Ti Modem
Josh Collins wrote:
> well, has anyone concidered making a 9600+ baud modem? I think it would be
> cool if someone made some sort of PPP connector and maybe an ftp browser,
> so you could download progs DIRECTLY to the ti-8x and 92 calculators... or
> am I just dreaming?
I'm not saying it's impossible, but there's not much point in it. The
calculator has too little RAM to spend to protocols like TCP/IP, PPP, FTP
and HTTP. Instead, I'd dial up an ISP with a Unix shell and use Unix
through the serial link with the calc as a terminal. I've never used ZTerm,
but I think it's VT100 compatible, at least to some extent, so that should
work fine (someone said he'd done this).
Then, when you've downloaded things to the Unix machine with, say, Lynx and
ftp, you could maybe download them to the calc by using some very simple
file transfer protocol like Xmodem. (There's no need for a mammoth like
Zmodem.) This could also be a dedicated Unix-over-modem-to-TI protocol, but
that would need programming in both ends. Xmodem or some other simple
existing protocol would only need to be implemented on the calculator,
probably as a part of ZTerm, FTerm or whatever the terminal program is, as
it already exists for Unix.
*** Osma Suominen *** ** htp:/w.clinet.f~ozone ***
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