TI-H: MultiMaster I2C routines 0.97 finally released!


TI-H: MultiMaster I2C routines 0.97 finally released!

A couple of weeks ago I promised that I'd soon release version 0.97 of my
MultiMaster I2C routines. Well, after that I decided to add some more
features and not release half-baked versions. The code is mostly new, more
optimized and much faster. The new features include reading and writing of
raw data in blocks of up to 64KBytes and support for Extended 10-bit
addressing, and many other things that I've already forgot. The code is now
GPL'ed. (www.fsf.org)

Before asking me what this all is about, check out the README.TXT at 

The URL of the home page of the routines is

I still need to add a few things before version 1.0, but not much. More
importantly I should test the routines more thoroughly with different
setups. I can't promise a release date, but at most it will take a few
months before version 1.0 is released, probably much less.


*** Osma Suominen *** ozone@clinet.fi *** http://www.clinet.fi/~ozone ***