RE: TI-H: EL thoughts


RE: TI-H: EL thoughts

Sorry this is a bit late, I have not been on the list in several days...

On Sun, 5 Oct 1997, Jan Zumwalt wrote:

> While well meaning, I believe your friend is a bit incorrect. A 
> LCD works by reflecting most of the time. When you see a letter, 
> the crystal molecules are twisted by a charge in such a manner 

The background IS reflective, not dark.  When there is no charce in the 
liquid crystal, then it twists the light.  When there is a charge, then 
the light is not twisted.

---------------------   <-----  vertical polarized filter
888888888888888888888   <-----	Liquid crystal
---------------------   <-----	horizontal polarized filter
+++++++++++++++++++++	<-----	reflective surface

If the reflectife surface is removed, then you would be able to see
through the display (a clear LCD, cool...).  All charactes and numbers
could be seen fine.  A EL panel could be placed here with no problem. 
> On Sunday, October 05, 1997 2:47 PM, 
> [] wrote:
> > I was recently talking to a friend at Denny's about 
> Backlitting
> > a TI,
> > and he suggested that an EL panel or LED array could
> > theoreticly be
> > placed behind the LCD display, due to the fact that LCD
> > displays are
> > just clear glass or plastic over a transparent liquid cristal
> > layer. the
> > only problem is to remove or at least pull the backing of the
> > LCD pannel
> > away far enough to place the EL panel or LED aray behind the
> > liquid
> > cristal layer.
