RE: TI-H: TI-Graphlink


RE: TI-H: TI-Graphlink

the speed! it's slower, hence less problems

"If I could be one thing in the world, I would be a tear born in your eye, 
living on your cheek, and dying on your lips" - Josh Collins

-----Original Message-----
From:	ShYGuY []
Sent:	Saturday, October 11, 1997 2:46 PM
To:	''
Subject:	RE: TI-H: TI-Graphlink

Yeah, I know that the Graphlink has a totally different setup and a
slower bps rate than the parallel link. I'm just trying to find out how is
it that the graphlink is compatible with most computers while some people
are still having problems with transmission between the computer and the

On Fri, 10 Oct 1997, Josh Collins wrote:

> don't worry about the ti-graphlink and how it works: it's totally 
different from the homemade ones.  First of all, the ti-graphlink preforms 
protocol switching stuff, and transfers at an arbitrary speed of 9600k. 
 homemade links go as fast as calc-calc transfers
> "If I could be one thing in the world, I would be a tear born in your 
eye, living on your cheek, and dying on your lips" - Josh Collins
> -----Original Message-----
> From:	ShYGuY []
> Sent:	Friday, October 10, 1997 5:50 PM
> To:	''
> Subject:	RE: TI-H: TI-Graphlink
> Don't worry, I'm not planning to get it (knowing that the parallel port
> link is MUCH CHEAPER.). WHat I am trying to do is reexamine how the
> TI-Graphlink works because when I built my parallel port link for my
> TI-86, I keep on getting transmission errors. I suppose is the speed of
> the computer or maybe the computer themselves because once I slow down 
> computer with an utility program, I get better transmissions (but not
> perfect). Currently, I am trying to get the parallel port working and the
> cal program so I can link with the computer. However, I am still having
> difficulty. And also, I am not retarded in electronics so I know what I'm
> doing so it must be something else than the link. I built the link 3
> TIMES!!!!
> On Fri, 10 Oct 1997, Josh Collins wrote:
> > don't get it! make a parallel port one :) If you have a female -> male 
25 pin cable, all you need is 2 diodes (led's if you want), some wire, and 
tape :) I made mine, downloaded the software, and it works BEAUTIFULLY!
> >
> > "If I could be one thing in the world, I would be a tear born in your 
eye, living on your cheek, and dying on your lips" - Josh Collins
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From:	ShYGuY []
> > Sent:	Friday, October 10, 1997 12:21 PM
> > To:	ti-hardware
> > Subject:	TI-H: TI-Graphlink
> >
> > 	Can anyone point to me where can I find info on the TI-Graphlink?
> > I need to know the specs, protocal, how it relates with the graphlink
> > program and so on.
> >

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